Das war der Creative Transformation Summit 2023

Ende November fand unser Creative Transformation Summit #CTS23 statt. Inhaltlich stand dieser unter dem Motto der „Triple Transition“, der ökologischen, gesellschaftlichen und digitalen Transformation Das Event brachte Expert:innen, Unternehmer:innen und kreative Köpfe in einem 3stündigen Onlineformat zusammen und schaffte regen Austausch zu zukunftsweisenden Ansätzen und innovativen Lösungen.

Das war unser C hoch 3 Netzwerktreffen am 10. & 11. Oktober in Wien

Das Kreativwirtschaftscoaching C hoch 3 (Creative Community Coaching) steht seit bereits 15 Jahren für den interdisziplinären Austausch unter Kreativschaffenden in ganz Österreich und deren wirtschaftliches Empowerment – durch neue Kooperationen und Know-how für die individuellen Geschäftsmodelle. Am 10. & 11. Oktober fand anlässlich des 15 jährigen Jubiläums ein großes Wiedersehen aller Durchgänge statt.

Do you know CIRCE?

CIRCE is the abbreviation for the Creative Impact Fund, CIRCE offers practitioners from the cultural and creative economies the opportunity to implement their ideas or to take the next development step with their existing company. Funding is provided to individuals and companies that work on new solutions for the challenges of our time, such as climate change, demographic changes and social inequalities.

Be part of the Horizon Europe Community

Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG invites you to exchange and inform yourself about the latest developments, focal points and news in Horizon Europe. Become part of the Horizon Europe Community Austria and use the opportunity to network and meet new partners for the implementation of your projects. Around 130 actors of cultural and creative industries already joined this community.

EIT Culture & Creativity joins forces with RISE Research Institutes of Sweden in support of the Creative and Cultural sectors!

Photo:  Bernd Fesel EIT C&C_Pia Sandvik by Malin Grönborg EIT Culture & Creativity joins forces with RISE Research Institutes of Sweden in support of the Creative and Cultural sectors! In the context of the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2023, EIT Culture& Creativity interim CEO, Bernd Fesel, and Pia Sandvik,…

What´s new in the New European Bauhaus

Two years after its launch, the New European Bauhaus (NEB) has become a catalyst for the European Green Deal transformation. With over 600 official partner organisations ranging from EU wide networks to local initiatives, the NEB reaches millions of citizens. The initiative is bringing together people from various backgrounds – from art and design, cultural and creative industries, cultural heritage institutions, to educators, scientists and innovators, businesses, local and regional authorities, and citizen initiatives.

Insight EIT Culture and Creativity: Looking for Evaluators!

EIT Culture & Creativity, the new Innovation Community for Europe´s Creatives is looking for external expertise in Creative industries to evaluate, monitor and review the submitted proposals for the first European Open Call for Creative Industries, which will be launched soon. Hungry and experienced to be part of the team to select outstanding projects to shape Europe with creativity? Apply until 31 of March 2023.