Vienna Declaration
Cross-Innovation for an Inclusive and Creative Society
In regard of the current negotiations about the next Research and Innovation Programme of
the European Union 2021-2027 the „Vienna Declaration on Innovation for an Inclusive and
Creative Society“ presents the conclusions of the 60 members of theEuropean Creative
Business Network following the European Creative Industries Summit on Oct 3/4, 2018 in
Stressing the global challenges for the future of Europe in climate change, mobility, energy,
health, migration, (youth) unemployment, growth and wellbeing,
Given that Cultural and Creative Industries, one of the dominating business sectors in Europe
with some 509 billion Euro in GDP value added, are vital partners to address
the above challenges with disruptive innovations,
Recognizing that the successful growth in turnover and jobs driven by Cultural and Creative
Industries leads to income and investments in innovation that should not remain
unused or disregarded given the epic size of the European challenges ahead,
Regarding the driving role of Cultural and Creative industries for soft and most of all disruptive
Taking into account the structural development of the cultural creative sectors to join efforts
and act together as an industry and a partner for policy since the first European
report on the economy of culture in 2006,
the 60 members of the European Creative Business Network adopt the following recommendations.
for the next generation of innovation
Download the full Vienna Declaration here.
Für dich und dein Unternehmen haben wir noch
Das Kreativwirtschaftscoaching C hoch 3 (Creative Community Coaching) steht seit bereits 15 Jahren für den interdisziplinären Austausch unter Kreativschaffenden in ganz Österreich und deren wirtschaftliches Empowerment – durch neue Kooperationen und Know-how für die individuellen Geschäftsmodelle. Am 10. & 11. Oktober fand anlässlich des 15 jährigen Jubiläums ein großes Wiedersehen aller Durchgänge statt.